Differentiate Between Ucs And Wcs In Autocad

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Copyright © 2004 AutoCAD 3D Training Manual ® Written by Kristen S. Kurland ® AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc. Chapter 1 Controlling Views 2 Copyright © 2004 - Kristen Kurland Copyright © 2004 - Kristen Kurland 3 Viewports Viewports Viewports 1.1 Screen divided into three tiled viewports -Vports Command 1. Type -VPORTS at the command prompt. Kumpulan ringtone nokia 3315.

UcsDifferenceDifferentiate Between Ucs And Wcs In Autocad

Difference Between Ucs And Wcs

If we switch to World Coordinate System. This helps you understand the AutoCAD UCS. Something and is not just arbitrarily used to differentiate. There are two coordinate systems: a fixed system called the world coordinate system (WCS) and a movable system called the user coordinate system (UCS). By default, these two systems are coincident in a new drawing. Normally in 2D views, the WCS X axis is horizontal and the Y axis is vertical.