Factors That Influence Policy Drivers In Health And Social Care

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Factors that Influence Access to Health Care. Evidence-based information on key policy drivers in health and social care collaboration. 8 Key policy drivers In. Social determinants of health.

  1. Studymode Identify Factors That Influence Policy Drivers Health And Social Care
  2. Factors That Influence Policy Drivers In Health And Social Care

Studymode Identify Factors That Influence Policy Drivers Health And Social Care

Factors That Influence Policy Drivers In Health And Social Care

Factors That Influence Policy Drivers In Health And Social Care


To understand why, we have to realize that health includes more than just health care. Research shows there are 4 broad factors (other than genetics) that influence our health. (3) (4) (5) • The Social and Economic Environment • Health Behavior • Clinical Care • The Physical Environment We call these influencing factors the drivers of health. While the percentages may vary from study to study, research shows that some drivers have more influence on health than others. (4) Another term for the drivers of health is the social determinants of health. The Social & Economic Environment The social and economic environment includes things like education, jobs, income, and social support. Our social and economic environments affect whether we have access to a quality education, job opportunities, safe neighborhoods, social support, and healthy foods. All of these factors influence health. In fact, a person’s education and income are the greatest predictors of their health. (5) Individuals with higher levels of education and income tend to live longer, healthier lives. (6) (7) This relationship exists at both the individual and community level. (8) People who live in wealthy, highly-educated communities are more likely to be in better health and live longer than those who do not.