Prince Of Tennis Doki Doki Survival English Patch

Posted on admin

PoT feels like an old fandom that will never die. I got into it about four years ago and even then I was late to the party. D; Eiji is one of my favorites too, so he was the first or second character I did in GakuPuri, before I started translating anything. That means I probably won't get back to him until I've played a lot more characters/am a lot closer to beating the game; same for Kirihara and Chitose too actually.

Prince of tennis doki doki survival english patchPrince Of Tennis Doki Doki Survival English Patch

Japanese Onomatopoeia

If there's anyone other than those three you'd like to see, let me know.:). I play DokiSaba more casually than GakuPuri, in that I translate everything I see in GakuPuri. DokiSaba I play for fun and without the intention of translating, so it takes me a lot less time to go through. It's structured a bit differently too, in that I've played through entire routes before and still missed seeing one or two conversations.